The Lord of the Harvest
Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” (Matt 9:37-38)
One of my stock phrases is, “Money is not the problem. If there is vision and people to lead towards the vision, the money will come.” I’m usually saying this when somebody is lamenting that the church can’t do X or Y because we don’t have the money. I’m not saying there is money already in the bank; I’m saying that when there is a clear, compelling, and well communicated vision of what God is calling us to do and when there are people willing to lead others towards that vision, then people naturally give and the money comes. For example, when St. John’s leaders expressed a vision of having an intern pastor, people stepped up to give money needed to make it happen.
It’s different when we already have some money but no clear vision. The Jorgensen Fund was given in 1984 when Walter died. The congregation couldn’t touch the principal but received the income for 35 years. There was no vision for it, except perhaps, “we’ll use the income to cover deficits in the general operating fund.” From that point of view, it was very helpful: there were tough financial years that the Jorgensen Fund helped keep the lights on. But is that God's vision?
We are currently in a process to decide the vision for the Jorgensen Fund. You’ve hopefully seen the videos part 1, part 2, and part 3 that help us know the Jorgensen’s and their faithfulness to God and God’s Church. A survey in June revealed that people’s hearts were in improving the property, reaching out (especially to youth and young adults), and savings for the future. The Congregation Council has been working on recommendations to discuss with the Congregation in November. I encourage you to participate in these on Nov 14, 21, 28 at 9:45 in the chapel and online.
As you pray for God’s guidance, consider the two part vision we chose in 2018: Deepening relationships with God and others and Developing Leaders. Our vision should guide how to use the Jorgensen fund or any fund. For example, which choices direct us towards deeper relationships? Which options help us develop leaders? Money is a tool towards a purpose not an end in itself; how does the Lord of the Harvest want us to use this tool?
The harvest is plentiful, that is, there are many people who do not know Jesus and feel harassed and helpless in the face of the maze of life (Matt 9:36). I suspect you know some of them. The Lord of the Harvest sends you—yes, you!—and this congregation so that others may know the freedom and love of God in Christ. As we approach Thanksgiving, I’m thankful to be a “field-hand” with you and pray God gives us vision not only for how to use the Jorgensen Fund but how to “harvest” during these changing days!
Thankful to harvest with you,
Pastor Peter
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